16 September 2009

damn excited 2day... tomorrow no class n 2nite we will go to manjarasa!!!haaha
gt water laio eh..

11 September 2009


那天果然有水冲凉也。。。提水提到半死!你知道谁帮我提水吗??哈哈。。。本来是叫大尼的,但是他帮我朋友那更大桶的,所以就大牛彭帮我拿。打破纪录啊!!成为英雄的一天,可惜来不及拍下来。。哈哈!他本来不愿意的;结果被我朋友的一句话刺激下肯帮掉。前天不懂怎么了,一直埋怨。对了,昨天老师问谁可以答了他的题目就给价值十零吉的奖品也,结果我答了她的问题,但是跟他说我不要拿礼物,哈哈!!昨天和今天,,我的室友竟然和我一起提水!好感动!她一边手拿着自己的水,另边手和我一起拿我的桶,好好哦。。这两天有water tank lorry来哦。。所以才有水拿。。但是厕所,脏到。。。。。。。。。

07 September 2009


no water again.. i washed my clothes tat i hav collected 3 days yesterday.. bt i hav no water to bath 2day, i dnt noe hw....im very smelly d. y??????? Lord, pls help me!! i nid water.....hope tat i can take a bath 2day..

06 September 2009


he did wrongly for hybridisation then punished by miss Kharol..haha

Surprising18th Birthday party

birthday presents from zhinliang, albert, janson, wei chun, daniel wong
my birthday gift from mee mee

Joan n me

all the girls

all the boys..
zhin liang, wei chun, daniel phang,danny wong, alber moh,daniel wong is nt there

miao n me

昨晚不懂作么睡不着噢。。可能是因为今天生日吧。。本来要在十二点前睡,但是睡不着,突然“叮咚”。。电话显示一条信息,开进去,这个是谁??原来是一个我不是很熟的国民服务朋友寄来的信息哦,很感动哦。。接下来的大多数都是那里的朋友哦。。但是,我很失望!!我这么多朋友,难道没有一个在十二点祝福我吗?前几年都有啊。只有美美祝福我也,唉。。觉得会过得不开心咯,因为朋友不去诗班,我去却有去诗班,不能一起庆祝哦,还有些朋友诗班好要开会,谁跟我一起去吃啊??唉。。难道生日就要这样过了??当我听到诗班取消时,有点开心哦。。然后到了UK,看到喵他们在kfc.我就进去也买东西吃,这个不算庆祝吧,自己买自己吃,吃好就走了。。然后逛逛下回去了。今天的生日就酱过了。。好伤心啊。到了四点,喵问我要不要一起去bazaar,我答应了,五点半就下去咯,结果就看到有一般人,似乎看到蛋糕哦,哦!!真的吗??真的是为我庆祝吗??我的第一次!!惊讶啊!!十七个人唱生日歌!!但是在食堂哦,很多人看额,觉得很不好意思哦。。好感动哦~~你们懂是谁计划的i吗??是喵!!哈哈哈哈。。。还收到几份礼物和卡哦。好开心。。他们遇到了很多障碍,差点被我发现蛋糕,但是我完全没有发现!!哈哈.。感恩~~miao, i luv u!!

04 September 2009


saya berharap kementerian pelajaran dpt m ambil tindakan ke atas mslh bekalan elektrik di Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan.

keadaan semakin teruk baru 2 ini apb bekalan air di asrama t'putus selama kira-kira 2 minggu.

tandas sudah lama tdk dicurah dan penuntut 2 pula tdk mandi selama bbrp hari.

dengan penularan wabak H1N1 ketika ini, kementerian Kesihatan meminta kita supaya menjaga kebersihan tapi kami pula tdk ada air walau hanya utk mencuci tangan selepas bersin atau batuk.

(taken from Daily Express 31 August)


i hav nothing to write wor...
act i wan to read newspaper in the library, bt i cant concentrate n dun understand!! worry bout my eng lehh.. hw to improve my eng?? i can learn lots of vocab playing sms v daniel p.haha..today gt assembly.. wasting my time. juz nw the fellowship, talk abot " y is fellowship important to us?" daniel u should come...... rev told us act our fellowship in school is illegal...... we hav to appreciate it. oh ya, today the mx quiz, i hav lose 5 marks. totally 4gt bout the conjugate, haiz..... wat ever...=.=

02 September 2009

today is thursday... time is going too fast. yesterday had my muet quiz... i was the candidate a. huh.. two times d. the task tat gt is hw to manage one's money...luckily the task is nt so dficult... i nid someone to correct my grammar..